
About DM - A.I. and Technology

Connecting businesses with perspective clients through various forms of communication using todays modern software, applications, technology, and A.I.

A.I. and Technology for Business

Wholesale Devices

Get Apple or Samsung cell phone devices for your business and workforce.

All in One Messaging

Use an all in one platform to manage Text Messages, Social Media Messages, and Web Chat under one dashboard.

Automation Platforms

Text message auto reply, Mass Text messaging, Chat Bots, Advance IVR, Appointment Reminders and more!

VoIP Phone System

Use an app on your cell phone, computer, or use a desk phone to take calls for your business. This Unified communication platform allows you to take calls, text, and have video conferences around the clock.

Answering Services

Hire quality virtual assistants and reduce your overhead costs. Customer Service, Dispatch, Overflow, after hours, Answering service, and more! Starting at $5/hr.

Cyber Security

Keep your business computer systems and networks secure. Don’t let one attack cost your business thousands!


Our solutions have a 99.999% uptime.

Data Security

Our teams are ready to assist you any time of the day or night.

Our Technology Experts will:

One Company – Technology Solutions for all business types

Wholesale Cell Phone Devices

Purchase used cell phone devices at wholesale pricing for your business. All of our devices are Graded, Tested, and Inspected. Our devices go through a 50 point inspection and they come with a 12 month worry free warranty!


A.I. and Automation Platform

Our A.I. and Automation platforms will put your business at ease. Delegate some of your team’s current responsibilities with automation! Text message auto reply, Mass Text messaging, Chat Bots, Advance IVR, Appointment Reminders and more! Have your team focus and become more efficient allowing your company to drive more revenue! Use an all in one platform to manage Text Messages, Social Media Messages, Web Chat and many other communication tools under one dashboard. Fewer systems to log in to!


A.I. and Automation Platform

Our A.I. and Automation platforms will put your business at ease. Delegate some of your team’s current responsibilities with automation! Text message auto reply, Mass Text messaging, Chat Bots, Advance IVR, Appointment Reminders and more! Have your team focus and become more efficient allowing your company to drive more revenue! Use an all in one platform to manage Text Messages, Social Media Messages, Web Chat and many other communication tools under one dashboard. Fewer systems to log in to!


Business Phone Systems

Unified communications as a Service is today’s modern business phone system. Scale and grow your business phone system without the old and clunky outdated technologies. Now you can have your business calls answered anywhere in the world. Use a mobile application, your computer, or an office desk phone. There are dozens of features you wouldn’t be able to do with a traditional telephone system. Update your business phone system today!



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Answering Services with Virtual Assistants!

Remote work is the “new normal” With today’s technology, you can take business calls anywhere in the world. We do all of the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. We hire, train, and manage qualified virtual agents. You will receive access to analytics and reporting dashboard. You will have access to recorded calls. You can work one on one with them directly or have your campaign manager handle everything. Best of all….. your team will cost 1/5th of what you spend in the US at minimum wage. We have teams starting at $5/hour.

virtual agents


In vel nulla ac enim pellentesque tristique vel non dui. Integer vulputate ex leo, in accumsan purus consectetur quis. Cras scelerisque orci vel dapibus volutpat. In et consectetur enim. Maecenas lobortis viverra tortor, quis fermentum sem volutpat sit amet.


Real Estate

Donec consequat nibh at urna tincidunt tempor. Integer quis lobortis felis. Nulla id quam vestibulum, aliquam mauris vitae, auctor ex. Aliquam augue nulla, faucibus sed lacus ac, placerat elementum nisi. Curabitur enim nunc, dictum et accumsan.



Morbi ullamcorper tellus eu purus dictum convallis. Duis posuere dui sit amet pellentesque malesuada. Morbi ultrices tortor ut diam molestie, vel pharetra lectus lacinia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius lectus lectus.


Solutions At a Glance

Business Phone System

$1799 /month per user $
  • Get a business phone number or transfer your existing number
  • Get the mobile and desktop app Free!
  • 99.999% uptime
  • 24/7 support in case you ever need us!
  • Includes Call Routing, Text Messaging, Auto Attendant and more!
Learn More

Virtual Assistants

$500 /per user $1080
  • Answering Services
  • Customer Service
  • Dispatch and more!
  • You set the schedule.
  • Hire 2 agents and get a free campaign manager!
Learn More

Other Available Technologies

Book a Call for Pricing
  • Wholesale Devices
  • All in one Messaging Platforms
  • Automation Platforms
  • Cyber Security
  • And more!
Learn More

100k +

Users, followers, and reviews. We know, understand, and speak technology. Follow us on our social platforms and stay up to date on all the latest trends.

Integrate Top Work Tools

Ready to Get Started?

Have our business technology consultants reach out to you today!

You agree to be contacted by our team via email, call, or text.